We Who Fear The LORD

We who fear the Lord; the grace from the Holy Spirit fills our heart full of joy. The grace of the Lord is so peaceful, the Lord’s Word is mighty and powerful. To get to know the Lord and to study His Word is awesome.

One thing for sure, the choice is ours. We can turn away from God’s saving grace or we can receive the saving grace of God and learn more about the love He has for us.

The Lord loves, the Lord forgives. He answers prayers. He gives wisdom to those who seek it.

He has blessed our home with friends who come to share His Scripture, praising God, seeking the way of the Lord, and totally relying on Him for everything.

It pleases Him, and God is delighted when sinners come to Him and friends get together and show their love and caring. For the love of God brings strong faith. By faith we can trust in God and become full of the love of Christ Jesus, and then share that love with each other.

Tom DiVita
February 17, 2000